Living your Moksha... 7 pillars, 7 weeks, 7 challenges...
Be Healthy, May 1 - 7 Challenge: No processed foods / toxins in the home
Supersize: 1 week daily practice
In all honesty, week 1 won't be much of a challenge for me, I already have a daily practice and I don't eat processed foods. However, being the stubborn, competitive person that I am, I am stepping this up a notch and giving up dairy for the 7 week challenge - and that will be a challenge because I frigging love frozen yogurt!
As for toxins in the home, that would mean mostly cleaning supplies - easy enough, I won't clean for a week ;)
Be Accessible, May 8-14 Challenge: Learn about and practice Active Listening to Be Accessible to friends and family
Supersize: Read up on Non Violent Communication
This challenge will most certainly be a challenge for me as I am a terrible listener by times!
My room-mate is going to be stoked during this week if I can do some listening, then she won't have to repeat everything she tells me 2-7 times over! I do listen, I just have selective hearing, and perhaps a terrible memory, either way - this challenge will do me some good!
I am usually quite accessible to my friends and family, whenever I'm needed, I am there! I'm not one to disappoint others that is for sure!
As for the supersize of this challenge, we'll see!
Live Green, May 15 - 21
Challenge: Green your plate - 7 days of vegetarian/vegan delicious eating
Supersize: Zero Garbage
Vegetarian, no problem, have been doing this since January, tried the vegan idea for a month, and I'll definitely take on the challenge of going vegan for a week, especially with giving up my guilty pleasure of frozen yogurt, this shouldn't be much of an issue - but we'll see!
Zero Garbage? excuse my language, wtf? I will continue to use my reusable coffee mugs, but what about my coffee pods - they are garbage after I run them through my keurig? hmmm...I can stick to composting, I guess eating vegan for a week might not make it not so difficult - and if I don't take my garbage out for a week - does that count?
Sangha Support, May 22 - 28
Challenge: Random Acts of Kindness week
Supersize: Bring a friend to yoga week and dedicate your practice each day to somebody you’ve never met in class
Cannot wait for this week!! It was one of my faves the last LYM challenge!
Random acts of kindness ...sure! I'm usually a super kind person as it is, so for this week - I'll just aim to be one of those annoyingly friendly people - hahaha!
Bring a friend to yoga - YES! I sure as heck will!! Finally, those people I bug, and bug, and bug to come to yoga - have no excuse not to now because if they join me, they come for free! perfection! SO excited! Last year, I was the only person who took advantage of this particular challenge - this year - I challenge you all!! Let's fill the hot room up like its the first day of a 30 day challenge!
Reach Out, May 29 - June 4
Challenge: Write one letter a day of gratitude with suggestions for change to a business you LOVE.
Supersize: Volunteer 1 hour this week ** Make sure to plan ahead!
This week will be a challenge for sure. I haven't put much thought into it yet - however I will try my best when the time comes!
Volunteer - yes perhaps! I'm not exactly a stranger to volunteering my time and it's only 1 should be a challenge to accomplish!
I would probably do better if the supersize was the regular challenge and vice-versa!
Live to Learn, June 5 - 11
Challenge: read every day for 30 minutes, on Saturday and Sunday - 2 hours
Supersize: Go for walk everyday this week for 1 hour with undetermined destination.
Yes! This is perfect! Can't wait! I love reading, and this gives me the excuse I need to catch up on some reading I still likely won't have done in the next five weeks! Hello Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy!! As for the Saturday and Sunday - I'll try my best! 2 hours of reading-time could really cut into my vodka-time, I feel like vodka and reading doesn't go as well together and vino and reading do! But hey, I'll try anything once!
Supersize - most definitely! I try to go for a walk whenever I possibly can, going with no destination in mind is something I look forward too, maybe check out some new trails, oooh the options are endless! However the only problem, I'll always end up home and that is a destination - but I guess that doesn't count, right?
Be Peace, June 12 - 18
Challenge: 1 hour of silence daily!
YOGA!!!!!!!! Yoga is silence! Or a bubble bath, OR sleeping - sleeping is silent? that cheating?? Fine! I'll try to meditate or read or *GASP* spend 1 whole hour with mySELF and mySELF only....sccccccary!
Supersize: 7 day challenge with 20-30 min savasana each day you practice!
YES! YES! YES! I F*CKING LOVE SAVASANA!!! The fact that this is part of the challenge is amazing! It was by far my most favoritest challenge last year, I remember teachers left time at the end of class for those wishing to continue their savasana, and they waited to do the cleaning as to not ruin your long awaited savasana. Amazing! It's like a form of Yin for one week straight! ahhhhhhhhhhhh....pure bliss!
Countdown to LYM - 2 days!