Monday, April 29, 2013

Back on track with The Fast Metabolism Diet

If you haven't read Haylie Pomroy's book, The Fast Metabolism Diet, you should! Even if you have no intentions on following it, or starting a new eating plan, it is still completely worth the read!
I need to get back on track, I've been feeling great, weather is starting to warm up, and the odd treat is becoming the weekly treat. So here is my 28 kickstart. My girlfriend is doing it with me. So, it will be fun to see how our results differ, she is much smaller than me, but we both live a pretty active lifestyle and are looking forward to this 28 day challenge!

Basically, Haylie says you can kickstart your metabolism, and keep it running, by following her plan.
Day 1 and 2 (phase 1) is basically a low-fat high carbohydrate meal plan
Day 3 and 4 (phase 2) is lean meats and veggies, no carbs, no fruits.
Day 4,5 and 6 (phase 3) is all of the above, plus adding in healthy fats!

Painless, yes. BUT, no coffee (unless you really need it). However, I decided to give it my all and give up the caffeine as well. Hey, go big or go home!

I'd like to drop 14lbs in the next 4 weeks. That is my goal. People are saying it works, so we'll see!

I plan on updating daily......or knowing me, every couple of days ;) and keeping you all posted on how this plan is working for me! Maybe, it'll give others the incentive to give it a try too!


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