Dancers Pose aka Natarajasana used to be my all time favorite pose, then I became not really liking it but doing it anyways, then I used to stand in Tadasana and breathe while others did their pose, I just became annoyed with such a pose. But, yesterday in Hot Hatha, not to mention, I wore shorts for my first time to yoga (wtf) and went to the front row in front of the mirrors...scary! SCARY! You have no idea! Class gets started and our focus-pose is Natarajasana....ahhhhhh!!! We did about 45 minutes of hip openers to prepare us for this pose, then we did it, and it felt so good, but NEXT, we were to balance on a block and do the pose. Well! holy! Not only are you about 2-4 inches (depending on your block)`re balancing on it and going into your deepest depth, unbelievable! How this looked, how this felt... amazing! I am so thankful I took my fear of the mirror and stepped right into it, because I couldn`t have imagined missing seeing this pose in it`s fullest extent. UNREAL!
So, next up, 75 minutes of Yin, oooh sure why not, its raining, I have a change of clothes, alright....
75 minutes of hip openers, well ok not all hip openers but it sure as hell felt like it. My hips were so friggin open that at one point, I burst out laughing and had to hide my face in my knee. They say hip openers bring out emotion, and usually when it does, it means you are letting something go, so something like that makes me happy. However, I`ve always had tears or anger and hatred but today, I had laughter...I felt like that was a huge breakthrough for me, obviousally embarassing, but hey - I covered it up! I wish I could have just broken into hysterics, would have made for an interesting yoga yin class in a silent room! haha!
I was high as a kite after those 2 classes, I was home by 730 and couldn`t even calm myself down til nearly 130am. So much love and gratitude.
I vow to not talk negatively to myself and I vow to think positive thoughts from here on out, even if my shorts look too short, or the mirror is too close, or my belly is too fat, or..or ..or...or...or..or.... DONE!
Time for bed! night all.
honesty is freedom